This beautiful mantel clock, crafted from ormolu mounted malachite, is a superb example of the Charles X style, which in the evolution of French decorative styles succeeded the Empire, softening the latter’s forms and incorporating aspects of older styles, such as the rocaille of the Rococo.
The clock features a rectangular malachite case, which is mounted below with a moulded ormolu cornice set above a flared malachite step. The entire case is raised on an elaborate ormolu base, richly moulded with foliate forms and scrolled rocaille motifs.
The case features a central circular silvered dial, encompassed by an ormolu bezel and flanked by twin ormolu mounts, each mount comprised of a scallop shell amidst cornucopias and other foliate motifs. The top edge of the case is finished with a flared ormolu entablature.
Most strikingly, the case is surmounted by a large and impressive sculptural group. Atop realistically rendered ground, a saddled horse contorts its body in attempting to chew its hind foot. The horse is superbly formed, a remarkable piece of sculpture in its own right.
The dial is signed by the retailer, ‘Noel Ainé a Dijon’. The malachite veneer is a later, beneficial addition.