French silver eight-piece tea and coffee service by Tétard Frères
By Tétard Frères (French, founded 1880)
Crafted from silver in a timelessly elegant style, this luxurious eight-piece tea and coffee service is by the famed French silversmiths Tétard Frères.
This very fine tea and coffee service is by Tétard Frères, one of the leading silversmiths working in France from its foundation in 1880.
The service is comprised of eight pieces: a coffee pot, a tea pot, a water jug, two milk jugs, two sugar bowls with covers, and a large rectangular tray with twin handles. The pieces are designed in a refined and elegant manner: the bodies of the various items are gently gadrooned, with each piece featuring a tiered foot. All the pieces except for the sugar bowls and the tray are adorned with looped carved wood handles.