This superb three-piece clock set is by KPM, one of Europe’s leading producers of porcelain. The clock set, which is crafted from ormolu mounted porcelain, is comprised of a central mantel clock and a pair of flanking candelabra.
The mantel clock features a porcelain violin-form clock case, which is parcel gilt and delicately painted with an abundance of pastel-toned floral sprays. The case is inset with a white circular enamel dial, which is contained within an ormolu bezel and set behind domed glass. The roof-form top of the case is surmounted by a porcelain vase-form finial, which is mounted with scrolled ormolu handles. The remainder of the case is set with a host of ormolu mounts: the two front ormolu paw feet are topped with cherub busts, while the rear two feet culminate in grasping acanthus leaves; the top of the clock is set with a pierced ormolu gallery, while the case is centred with a classicising female mask. Below the dial, an ormolu pierced grill allows a glimpse of the ornate hanging pendulum. The clock is set atop a separate conforming ormolu mounted porcelain plinth-form base.
The pair of four-light candelabra are similarly formed and decorated, each featuring a parcel gilt porcelain body mounted with ormolu feet and painted with floral sprays. Each candelabrum issues four scrolled ormolu light branches, each branch terminating in an ormolu candle holder above a porcelain drip pan.
The porcelain is marked several times for KPM with underglaze blue sceptre marks above ‘S.g.r.P’. The movement is marked for ‘Gustav Becker / Freiburg’.