This antique clock set comprises a central clock and a pair of flanking lidded vases. The clock's central circular dial is set within a parcel gilt white ground porcelain vase, which is painted with flying putti. The vase is signed 'E. PERNODET' and is surmounted by a cover with an ormolu putto finial. The central vase clock is mounted at either side with twin satyr busts, and set on an ormolu plinth with large winged putti at both sides. The putti mounts are shown holding flames and a floral wreath. The pair of flanking vases are decorated similarly: they are painted with amorous scenes on the front and landscape scenes on the reverse side, are set on ormolu bases, and are mounted with twin satyr busts at each side. The lids of the flanking vases feature ormolu finials portraying putti playing the lyre.